Search Title Update Infos



Showing results 1 to 11 of 11

# Description Title Status Type KBART Field New Value Old Value Start Time End Time
1 Changes in Title 'Teatro en el Cine Español' Teatro en el Cine Español Successful Changed Title publisher_name Digitalia Publishing Corp. Digitalia, Inc. 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
2 Changes in Title 'Renaissance & Reformation/Renaissance et Reforme' Renaissance & Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme Successful Changed Title publication_title Renaissance & Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme Renaissance & Reformation/Renaissance et Reforme 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
3 Changes in Title 'Reductionism in Drama & the Theater: The Case of Samuel Beckett' Reductionism in Drama & the Theater: The Case of Samuel Beckett Successful Changed Title publisher_name Digitalia Publishing Corp. Digitalia, Inc. 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
4 Changes in Title 'Pirandellism & Samuel Beckett's Plays' Pirandellism & Samuel Beckett's Plays Successful Changed Title publisher_name Digitalia Publishing Corp. Digitalia, Inc. 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
5 Changes in Title 'Mucho Ruido y Pocas Nueces' Mucho Ruido y Pocas Nueces Successful Changed Title publisher_name Digitalia Publishing Corp. Digitalia, Inc. 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
6 Changes in Title 'Luciano Francisco Comella (1751-1812). Otra Cara Del Teatro de la Ilustración' Luciano Francisco Comella (1751-1812). Otra Cara Del Teatro de la Ilustración Successful Changed Title publisher_name Digitalia Publishing Corp. Digitalia, Inc. 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
7 Changes in Title 'Liturgical Context of Early European Drama' Liturgical Context of Early European Drama Successful Changed Title publisher_name Digitalia Publishing Corp. Digitalia, Inc. 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
8 Changes in Title 'Legend of Bernardo Del Caprio: From Chronicle to Drama' Legend of Bernardo Del Caprio: From Chronicle to Drama Successful Changed Title publisher_name Digitalia Publishing Corp. Digitalia, Inc. 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
9 Changes in Title 'Journal of the Wooden O Symposium' Journal of the Wooden O Successful Changed Title publication_title Journal of the Wooden O Journal of the Wooden O Symposium 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
10 Changes in Title 'Habitación Pinteriana' Habitación Pinteriana Successful Changed Title publisher_name Digitalia Publishing Corp. Digitalia, Inc. 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
11 Changes in Title 'Black American Literature Forum' Black American Literature Forum Successful Changed Title publisher_name -Empty- Johns Hopkins University Press 2024-03-01 20:01 2024-03-01 20:01
