Title: Project Management Fundamentals

Project Management Fundamentals
+MS-Office und Programmierung (Zusatzmodul)
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Lacey, Adam
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"Welcome to Audio Learning from Assemble You.1 - An Introduction to Project ManagementThere are very few industries out there that can't benefit from project management in some way.Whether building a skyscraper, developing new software, installing a plumbing system, designing a housing project, running a business convention, or even planning a birthday party, project management is essential to success.The team at Investopedia offers this perfect definition of the term:Project Management involves the planning and organization of a company's resources to move a specific task, event, or duty towards completion. It can involve a one-time project or an ongoing activity, and resources managed include personnel, finance, technology, and intellectual property. In this track, we explain what project management actually entails, how project management can help in business and we touch upon some of the project management methodologies available.Learning Objectives:Learn about the ways in which project management can help in almost any industryLearn what project management actually entailsLearn what some of the popular project management methodologies areAimed At:Anyone who wants to learn about project management, who has little knowledge but wants to supercharge their team’s efficiency and general performance.2 - Running Your First ProjectLanding that first project management role is a pretty exciting and fulfilling moment, but it's also incredibly daunting. The project's success now depends on what you do, so the company, the team, and the stakeholders will count on you. People unaware of the importance of project management might view it as a customary position just to appear that the project has someone leading the charge.That couldn't be further from the truth. Project Managers are essential because good project leadership is essential to completing a project successfully.In this track, we teach you the essentials you need to know about running your first project and help you quickly develop your project management skillset.Learning Objectives:Learn what your role is as Project ManagerLearn what and whom you must consider when managing a projectLearn about some of the popular methodologies you could use in your first projectAimed At:Anyone looking to become a project manager, or who has been given the responsibility of running their first project.3 - Troubleshooting Issues on Your ProjectWhat you'll come to realize during your journey as a project manager is that no matter how skilled and experienced you are, things can always go wrong. Sometimes they'll be minor issues that are easily resolvable, and sometimes they'll completely change the course of the project and create untold amounts of stress.As a project manager, the ability to recognize and subsequently troubleshoot these problems is essential. It is your job to be flexible and adaptable because when an issue arises, the team will always look to you for guidance, and the stakeholders will look to you for reassurance that the project will still move forward.Learning Objectives:Learn about some of the common issues faced on projects, such as a lack of clear goalsLearn how to respond to these challenges in a way that keeps stakeholders and your team happyAimed At:Project managers at the start of their career, or someone who has been given the reins on a stuttering project who needs to iron out performance issues, or roadblocks to project progress.4 - Encouraging Teamwork as a Project ManagerWhen you're the Project Manager, it's up to you to make sure that plans are laid out, deadlines are met, deliverables are up to scratch, and clients are happy. But you can't do any of that alone.A Project Manager needs a team to lead, and it's their job to ensure that team works like a well-oiled machine.In this track, we teach you how to encourage teamwork as a Project Manager to keep everyone working together to achieve your common goal. Learning Objectives:Learn how important your role is in managing conflict and keeping your team happy and on the same page when working together on a projectLearn some of the things you can do to ensure your team works together well and produces high-quality work efficientlyAimed At:Project managers at the start of their career, or perhaps those who feel they could fine-tune their people management skills in order to ensure their team can pull together in the same direction."
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Date Created
2023-08-23 11:37:38
Last Updated
2023-08-23 11:37:38
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