Title: Work Wellbeing - Managing Anxiety & Burnout

Work Wellbeing - Managing Anxiety & Burnout
+MS-Office und Programmierung (Zusatzmodul)
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Lacey, Adam
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Welcome to Audio Learning from Assemble You.1 - Managing Work AnxietyNearly 1 in 5 people in the U.S. suffer from an anxiety disorder. The U.K. has seen a ‘massive, profound’ increase in anxiety since 2008, according to leading researcher Prof Nick Freemantle. He found that, in 2008, 8.42% of women aged 18 to 24 suffered anxiety. By 2018, that had more than trebled to 30.33%.But the more we understand the science behind anxiety, the easier it is to handle. Being happy, relaxed and fulfilled is perfectly possible, despite the catastrophic thoughts we have leading us to think otherwise.In this track, we go through practical techniques to reframe our thinking patterns and effectively combat anxious thinking.Learning Objectives:Learn some of the science behind anxiety, including the part of the brain responsible for fearLearn what catastrophizing is, and a variety of practical tips to manage itAimed At:Anyone struggling with anxious thoughts, or who is looking for information on anxiety and how to help someone who is anxious.2 - Impostor SyndromeOne of the most popular, and least discussed issues in offices around the world is Impostor Syndrome. We often think we’re alone in doubting ourselves because nobody else voices their own doubts. Yet the reality is, that’s what everybody else is doing, too! It’s an effect called pluralistic ignorance.In this track, we go through what it is, how common it is, how some of the most successful people in the world live with it, and how to healthily manage it.Learning Objectives:Learn what impostor syndrome is, and how popular it isLearn actionable techniques to limit the negative effects of Impostor SyndromeAimed At:Anybody in the workplace who has experienced Impostor Syndrome themselves or have experienced it via their friends and colleagues.3 - The Power of Positive ThinkingOptimism is clearly associated with better psychological health, as seen through lower levels of depressed mood, anxiety, and general distress.Most researchers at this point would also agree that optimism is connected to positive physical health outcomes, including decreases in the likelihood of re-hospitalization following surgery, the risk of developing heart disease, and mortality.In this track, we aim to provide a better understanding of positive thinking, and we offer multiple key actionable techniques to train yourself to think more optimistically.Learning Objectives:Learn what dispositional optimism is, and how it benefits both our physical and mental healthLearn classic cognitive distortions linked to thinking negatively, and how to identify and avoid themAimed At:Anybody who tends to think cynically, lack confidence, and/or often assume the worst, but are interested in their physical and mental health, and making changes that can lead to a fuller, healthier, and longer life.4 - Avoiding BurnoutAccording to an Indeed survey in 2021, more than half of employees suffered from burnout. Officially recognised as an occupational phenomenon in 2019 by the World Health Organization, burnout is characterised by symptoms including emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy. It has been linked to mental and physical health problems, including but not limited to increased risk of coronary artery disease, depression and anxiety.In this track, we provide a better understanding of burnout, and we offer multiple, actionable techniques to help alleviate burnout.Learning Objectives:Learn what burnout is, and what’s behind itLearn actionable techniques to limit the negative effects of, and even prevent burnoutAimed At:Anybody in the workplace who has or is experiencing burnout, whether they suffer from it themselves or have experienced it via friends, reports or colleagues.
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Date Created
2023-08-23 11:37:38
Last Updated
2023-08-23 11:37:38
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Title_ID title_id 1070
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