Title: Personal Development

Personal Development
Digitale SAP-Bibliothek
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Lacey, Adam
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"Welcome to Audio Learning from Assemble You.1 - Maintaining your beliefToday, you'll learn how to maintain belief in yourself, your goals, and your value. We'll look at some aspects of maintaining your belief even during tough times. We'll cover mental strength, resilience, focus, and coaching yourself on your abilities and worth. You'll also learn how to implement key skills, including managing negative thoughts or doubt, dealing with adversity, and staying on course when things are going against you. In this track, we'll look at some of the most valuable habits and practices to follow that can maintain your belief and reinforce it over time.Learning Objective:Learn how to maintain belief in yourself, your goals, and your valueLearn how to implement key skills, including managing negative thoughts or doubt, dealing with adversity, and staying on course when things are going against youAimed at:Ambitious people looking to build more resilience, and become more confident and comfortable with themselves.2 - Self-reflectionIn both your personal and professional life, reflecting on your thoughts and actions is a valuable tool for improvement. Reflective practice can assist you in better understanding your personal motives, habits, and patterns of behavior. You can use this self-knowledge to make more informed job decisions and collaborate better with others.In this track, you’ll learn the steps to self-reflect. We’ll discuss how to break down and focus on specific areas, one at a time. We’ll then cover how to use self-reflection to position yourself to achieve your aims through establishing short-term and long-term goals.Learning Objectives:Learn how reflective practice can assist you in better understanding your personal motives, habits, and patterns of behaviorLearn to use this self-knowledge to make more informed job decisions and collaborate better with othersAimed at:Anybody who is interested in self-improvement. It’s aimed at people who would like to look inwardly, to make huge strides in their life and learn from all experiences.3 - Ambitious MindsetToday, you'll learn about adopting an ambitious mindset and how to harness it to fuel growth in your career and personal life. To reach your career goals, you need to be willing to put in the hard work, focus, and effort. Ambitious people use these things to succeed in their work and personal lives. They have an inner drive and resilience that helps them stay motivated when working toward their goals. You, too, can use the same techniques to adopt the right mindset to achieve your ambitions.Learning Objective:Learn about adopting an ambitious mindset and how to harness it to fuel growth in your career and personal lifeLearn some of the skills you need when adopting an ambitious mindset, including surrounding yourself with the right people, competing with yourself, not others, keeping your ambitions to yourself and taking risksAimed at:Anyone who wants to achieve great things, but needs guidance on how to build the best version of themselves.4 - The Impact of HabitsGood habits can be the foundation for a successful life. It can improve your mood and help you achieve more. In this track, we look at the psychology behind habits, how they form, and the role of the conscious and unconscious mind.Habits themselves consist of small actions and decisions that you consistently repeat. The culmination of many of these small decisions and actions can significantly impact your professional and personal life.Understand and master habits to improve your personal and professional life.Learning Objectives:Learn how good and bad habits affect a person’s happiness and successLearn the 3 stages involved in habits and habit formingLearn what’s involved in recognizing the cue, or trigger, for your habitsLearn the most effective way to form new habitsAimed at:Anybody who is interested in self-improvement. It’s aimed at people who have any number of bad habits they’d like to replace, but don’t know where to start."
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Date Created
2023-08-18 11:30:19
Last Updated
2024-03-14 14:09:55
Identifier Namespace Name Identifier Namespace Value Identifier
Title_ID title_id 1075
Subject Area
Soft Skills
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