Title: Intrapreneurship - The Basics

Intrapreneurship - The Basics
Digitale SAP-Bibliothek
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Lacey, Adam
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"Welcome to Audio Learning from Assemble You.1 - What is Intrapreneurship?Successful intrapreneurships are supportive and motivate workers to think outside of the box with limited resources. Attracting and holding on to talent can be difficult nowadays, and many employers underestimate the effectiveness of simply encouraging their employees' ideas. Focusing and amplifying your internal innovators can also attract like-minded thinkers to your company, which adds to your big picture development.Learning Objectives:Learn what intrapreneurship is, and how it can help foster growth within your companyLearn about some examples of the most successful intrapreneurs in history Aimed At:Anybody who is looking to be more valuable within their business by using innovation to create exciting new strategies and revive old discarded ones with high potential.2 - Innovate and be an IntrapreneurYou may be thinking it is better to just jump headfirst into the world of entrepreneurship. If you feel you have the networks and that one brilliant idea to strike out on your own, then why not go for it? An intrapreneur position is good. However, those of us who maybe have more than one brilliant idea or prefer to focus on a specific product or structure a role as an intrapreneur may be more suited. You can focus on your thoughts, and you’ll have the resources to develop them. You can also sell yourself and your skills as an innovator.Any good company’s leadership knows that competitiveness and innovation are necessary to stay relevant. Learning Objectives:Learn the three key elements to being an intrapreneurLearn about some of the most successful innovative intrapreneurs in history Aimed At:Anybody who is looking to be more valuable within their business by using innovation to create exciting new strategies and revive old discarded ones with high potential.3 - Building an Innovation Business CaseLooking at the positives of change often leads to success on the other side, so why not think that these are times of innovation instead? In this track, our objective is to learn how to capitalize on change or an idea, and to build a successful innovation business case. Learning Objectives:Learn what an innovation business case is, and how it differs from an elevator pitch and a business planLearn what a good business case needs in order to be convincingAimed At:Anybody who has an innovative idea, but doesn’t know where to start with writing a business case to convince stakeholders.4 - Stakeholder Management for Innovation ProjectsSo, you've capitalized on an idea. You’ve pitched it, been given the green light, and now it's time to manage your innovation project. Now, how do you continue to develop your plan as an intrapreneur? One crucial element is managing your stakeholders and their needs and expectations for your innovation project.That is today’s main objective.Learning Objectives:Learn what a stakeholder isLearn how to create an exhaustive list of stakeholdersLearn how to manage stakeholders efficiently, using an engagement matrix or other techniquesAimed At:Anybody who is running a project for the first time, or who has run a project previously but struggled to keep all stakeholders happy, and wants actionable advice to manage stakeholders in the future."
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Date Created
2023-08-18 11:30:19
Last Updated
2024-03-14 14:09:55
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