Title: Project Management Methodologies

Project Management Methodologies
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Lacey, Adam
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Welcome to Audio Learning from Assemble You.1 - An Introduction to AgileFor many years, project management has been dominated by the ‘Waterfall’ method, which focused on developing a detailed plan of action before commencing the actual development phase. With a Waterfall project, the end result is not delivered until the very end of the process.Agile takes a different outlook, focusing on breaking the project into smaller timeboxes and delivering something of value at the end of each one, which can then be analyzed and critiqued while the next timebox is already underway.In this track, we look at what Agile is, how it differs from other project management theories, and why it could work for you.Learning Objectives:Learn what Agile isLearn how it differs from other project management approachesLearn why Agile suits some projects more than othersAimed At:If you or your organization will be tackling complex, extensive, and multilayered projects, this is for you. This could be of great benefit if:Teams are not working well togetherTeams lack a clear purposeProjects are stagnatingTeams lack clarity regarding responsibilities and rolesIneffective work prioritization is delaying work2 - Scrum: The BasicsIf you're a project manager, we don't need to tell you how much pressure comes with the job. It's up to you to lead the charge of a large-scale operation that will end up with a completed project that's satisfying for the stakeholders. A lot of money and company time is invested in your chances of success. You need to decide on a method that will guarantee that success.Scrum is one such method. Scrum is one of several frameworks adhering to the Agile approach to project management. For those unfamiliar with it, Agile is an approach that breaks big projects down into manageable chunks called iterations, which are then worked on by cross-functional teams.In this track, we explain the basics of Scrum and the key roles needed when using the Scrum method.Learning Objectives:Learn the relationship between Agile and Scrum, and where they differ.Learn the main principles and roles of the Scrum frameworkAimed At:Scrum is used by teams at Google, Apple, Facebook, Spotify, Amazon, Netflix, IBM, Deloitte, and thousands of other companies. This is aimed at anyone looking to mimic the successful project management approach of these corporations, whether you’re part of a product team, an HR team, a sales team, or a marketing team.3 - Overview of Prince2PRINCE2 is a type of project management system that puts great emphasis on control. It aims to ensure that a challenging, complex project can be easily managed and controlled by being divided into smaller stages and conducted with certain principles in mind.It's a strategic approach founded on the belief that all projects, no matter how well-planned or high-budget they are, can fall apart due to changes from external forces and a failure to manage risks. With Prince2, you only need to deal with one stage at a time, which provides much more control.In this track, we walk you through the basics of PRINCE2. This track is ideal for anyone looking to take a project management qualification but wants to find out more about PRINCE2.Learning Objectives:Learn what the PRINCE2 methodology is, and why it’s importantLearn what makes PRINCE2 uniqueLearn why PRINCE2 suits some projects more than othersLearn the basics of Prince2Aimed At:If you're looking for a job as a project manager—or are still early on in your project management career—PRINCE2 is a globally recognized framework and the most used system in the world. In many high-level project management jobs, PRINCE2 knowledge is a requirement.4 - Introduction to PMI/PMPThe Project Management Professional, or PMP, certification is one of the most widely-recognized project manager qualifications globally. The Project Manager Institute - also known as the PMI - offers it, and acquiring it can give you a substantial advantage when finding work in this increasingly competitive field.PMI was founded in 1969 and today is the largest not-for-profit project management organization in the world. We can trace its origins to the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Since its foundation, it has quickly spread to over 80 different countries.In this track, we explain the PMP Certification and the PMBOK. This track is ideal for anyone looking to take a project management qualification but wants to find out more about PMP.Learning Objectives:Learn what PMP certification is, and why it’s importantLearn what’s involved in the PMP exam and certificationLearn why Agile suits some projects more than othersAimed At:If you're looking for a job as a project manager—or are still early on in your project management career—a PMP certification is a great credential to add to your resume. By becoming a PMP credential holder, you open yourself up to higher levels of pay, responsibility, and recognition. So this is for anyone ambitious with an interest in project management.
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Date Created
2023-08-18 11:30:19
Last Updated
2024-03-14 14:09:55
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