Title: Improve Your Productivity - Time, Energy & Systems

Improve Your Productivity - Time, Energy & Systems
Digitale SAP-Bibliothek
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Lacey, Adam
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" Welcome to Audio Learning from Assemble You.1 - Keeping Your Energy HighIt’s clear that having high energy levels is important. Setting goals and having ambition in your professional and personal life is inspiring to others, and it gives meaning and structure to your life. To reach your targets, however, you need to have enough mental and physical energy and find ways to remain passionate about what you do. Having more energy also means you can achieve a work-life balance and have energy left over to follow your passions after the workday is done. Let’s look more into how to manage your energy levels and give them a boost.Learning Objectives:Learn the three key pillars for maintaining your physical energyLearn about the psychological factors that can boost your mental energyLearn how to stay motivated and moving towards your long-term goals Aimed At:Anybody who finds themselves feeling tired at work, and who has goals and ambitions which require high energy levels.2 - How to Manage Your TimeWhatever your professional and personal goals are, time management is going to play an important role in how successful you are, and how many of your goals you reach. Time management is a skill you’ll need to work on, improve, and refine continuously throughout your career. Done right, this vital skill will pay you back handsomely, both at work and in your personal life. Learning Objectives:Learn how to streamline your tasks and save time on work, admin, and get practical tips on how to cut out energy-sapping procrastinationLearn how to prioritize tasks, work with greater efficiency, and reduce or automate non-priority tasks completely Aimed At:Anybody who finds themselves feeling tired at work, and who has goals and ambitions which require high energy levels.3 - Optimize Your Meeting ProductivityWhile teamwork and collaboration are essential aspects of business and professional development, surveys have found that meetings can be the number one time-wasting activity at work. In this track, we look at ways to reduce the number of meetings you have and how you can build meetings that have actionable outcomes. You'll also learn to manage the pre-meeting preparation and post-meeting follow-up process better. Learning Objectives:Learn how to run a productive meetingLearn what you need to do outside of the actual meeting to get the most value in the meeting Aimed At:Anyone who finds themselves feeling that too much of their time is being taken up with meetings, or that their meetings aren’t resulting in what was intended.4 - Systems for Working FasterAn unorganised and inefficient tech stack wastes a significant amount of time and money. Today, you will learn about some of the most effective and most used software platforms for project management tasks. That includes broader management tools, creative project management apps, and the best communication software. In this track, we look at where you can find objective reviews for productivity tools as well as looking at important related topics around software integration, automation, transparency, and ownership.Learning Objectives:Learn about different types of project management software and systems, as well as communication tools and video softwareLearn which type of app, or ecosystem, would be the best fit for you and/or your organization Aimed At:Anybody who feels their productivity is limited by the software they use (and don’t use) at work."
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Date Created
2023-08-18 11:30:19
Last Updated
2024-03-14 14:09:55
Identifier Namespace Name Identifier Namespace Value Identifier
Title_ID title_id 1067
Subject Area
Soft Skills
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Open Access
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