Title: Word 2019 in 30 Minutes

Word 2019 in 30 Minutes
Digitale SAP-Bibliothek
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Triple Tech LLC dba Bigger Brains
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"Learn the best practices for creating a document and navigating within the document while incorporating must-have features in Word 2019 or Word 365.Everyone uses Microsoft Word, yet many of us never learn some of the basic tools that make the application so useful. In the Navigating and Creating Documents course on Word 2019, produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer, Barbara Evers, we’ll show you the best ways to create, save, and navigate within your documents. Also, we will explore working with multiple files.If you want to save time by learning the simple tools you might have missed—this course is for you. Microsoft Word is more than a word processor. With the skills taught in this course, you will discover tips that will set you on the path to becoming a true Microsoft Word master.Topics covered include:Navigating in Microsoft WordCreating and saving documentsSaving revised documentsManaging your workspaceLearn the best practices for adding text, printing documents, and customizing the Word 2019 or Word 365 environmentEveryone uses Microsoft Word, yet many of us never learn some of the basic tools that make the application so useful. Whether writing a short paragraph or a multi-page report, an understanding of Word 2019’s or Word 365’s editing tools, will reduce your revision frustrations. This course covers these features, basic printing needs, and simple Word customizations that will make it easy to access your favorite tools.If you want to speed up the process of creating and editing documents—this course is for you. Microsoft Word is more than a word processor. With the skills taught in this course, you will discover tips that will set you on the path to becoming a true Microsoft Word master.Topics covered include:Selecting textCopying and moving textEditing paragraphsPreviewing and printingCustomizing your Word interfaceLearn the best practices for formatting text and paragraphs to create a professional-looking document in Word 2019 or Word 365Everyone uses Microsoft Word, yet many of us never learn some of the basic tools that make the application so useful. Create professional-looking documents by formatting your text and paragraphs in Word 2019 or Word 365. The difference between font choices, alignments, and bullets can determine whether your documents are easy-to-read or boring and impossible to read. In this course, you will learn how to change fonts and font colors, adjust paragraph alignment, create lists, and set up tabs to align text.If you want to create professional, easy-to-read documents, this course is for you. Microsoft Word is more than a word processor. With the skills taught in this course, you will discover tips that will set you on the path to becoming a true Microsoft Word master.Topics covered include:Applying character formattingControlling paragraph layoutIndenting paragraphsControlling spacingAligning text with tabsFormatting listsLearn the best practices for working more efficiently using some of Word 2019’s or Word 365’s specialized formatting and editing featuresEveryone uses Microsoft Word, yet many of us never learn some of the basic tools that make the application so useful. This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 demonstrates the best ways to create a professional and consistent look for your documents using the most efficient tools. By copying formats and repeating them throughout a document, you will learn the benefits of Format Painter. If you have a format that you plan to use in other documents, you will want to learn about the Styles gallery.If you want to reduce the time spent on formatting but still create professional documents—this course is for you. Microsoft Word is more than a word processor. With the skills taught in this course, you will discover tips that will set you on the path to becoming a true Microsoft Word master.Topics covered include:Using Find and ReplaceApplying repetitive formattingUsing StylesCreating a StyleLearn the best practices for creating lists and tables while incorporating must-have features in Word 2019 or Word 365In case you didn’t know it, people don’t read documents; they scan them. Information mentioned in the middle of a paragraph, especially lists or data, is missed by most of your audience. This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 helps you to make that information stand out. Most people ignore paragraphs, but they will look at bulleted and numbered lists as well as data presented in tables. You will learn the proper methods for using these tools, how to format them to meet your needs, and how to correct numbering issues.If you want to save time by learning the basics of using lists and tables—this course is for you. Microsoft Word is more than a word processor. With the skills taught in this course, you will discover tips that will set you on the path to becoming a true Microsoft Word master.Topics covered include:Sorting listsFormatting listsResequencing listsInserting a tableModifying a tableFormatting a tableConverting text to a tableLearn the best practices in Word 2019 or Word 365 for adding graphics as well as formatting the overall page appearance of your documentsFor professional documents, it’s important to finalize the appearance of your document using images and page layout. This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 walks you through the fundamentals of page layout and how to work with and control images. Do you need a page separated from the others? This course explains how to do that. Have you been told you need an em dash, but don’t know what that is or how to do it? This course explains where and how to add symbols, insert a header and footer, add a watermark, and many other features that will set your document apart.If you want to save time by learning the best ways to add graphics and adjust page layout—this course is for you. Microsoft Word is more than a word processor. With the skills taught in this course, you will discover tips that will set you on the path to becoming a true Microsoft Word master.Topics covered include:Inserting symbolsAdding imagesFormatting pagesAdding headers and footersControlling page layoutAdding a watermarkLearn the best practices in Word 2019 or Word 365 for making your document as accessible and professional as possible while incorporating must-have featuresYou’ve typed, formatted, and laid out your document. It’s time to finalize it for your audience. This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 helps you check for errors and readability as well as explore translations and research related to your topic. Everyone should proofread their documents for errors. Using Word’s Spell and Grammar Check will help you in this process. Do you feel like you’ve overused certain words or not added enough information? The Thesaurus and Smart Lookup features can help you make the necessary adjustments to your message. Also, you will explore the needs of people with cognitive or visual disabilities and how to make your document more accessible to them. When everything is the way you want it, you will learn about the different file formats you might choose to save your document.If you want to save time by fixing issues with your document before you publish it—this course is for you. Microsoft Word is more than a word processor. With the skills taught in this course, you will discover tips that will set you on the path to becoming a true Microsoft Word master.Topics covered include:Checking grammar and readabilityUsing research toolsChecking accessibilitySaving to other formats"
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Date Created
2023-08-18 11:30:16
Last Updated
2024-03-14 14:09:55
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